The Unique Culture of Upper Mustang: Immersing in Ancient Traditions

Upper Mustang is an isolated area in the trans-Himalayan region of nepal. Surrounded by vast dry and rugged terrain, deep valleys, and tall and beautiful mountains, this destination is heaven-like on earth. Since the northwest region of Upper Mustang shares its border with the Tibetan plateau, the region is mostly influenced by the Tibetan cultural heritage. 

Hence, the Upper Mustang is mostly known for its distinct topography, history, and culture and takes its visitors through the ins and outs of Tibetan Buddhism as well as a serene environment during their Upper Mustang trek.

Overview of the unique culture and tradition of Upper Mustang

The Upper Mustang trek takes you through a unique cultural experience that has been untouched for centuries. It portrays a perspective on the isolated region of nepal where culture and landscape are unique and ancient from other parts of Nepal. Even though Upper Mustang had different historical paths. since the region is predominantly Buddhist, they have much in common with other Buddhists regarding social structures, the environment, and beliefs. Hence offering a rich cultural experience to the visitors on their upper Mustang trek.

Upper Mustang’s history, location, and populace are all influenced by the rich and dynamic Tibetan culture. Hence there are numerous Chhortens, Mani-walls, and Monasteries across the area. The most well-known revered site for Buddhist pilgrims known as Lo Gekar Monastery is also located in this region. Another noteworthy specialty of the area is the architectural aspect of the Upper Mustang. 

The traditional homes include elaborate wood carvings, vividly colored doors, and windows, and are constructed of stone and clay with a player’s flag in each home showcasing an ethnic lifestyle and belief in their religion. Furthermore, Upper Mustang is also renowned for its shamanic rituals and beliefs. In Mustang, shamans are held in great regard, and their ceremonies and healing rites play a significant role in the local way of life. 

Upper Mustang’s distinct cuisine is a reflection of the climate and topography of the area. Also in upper Mustang, families still reside together as one unit. Also, Upper Mustang still has a tradition of women marrying multiple spouses, a practice called polyandry. Hence, through homestays with local families, cultural tours, and trekking, visitors may get a firsthand look at this distinctive culture on their Upper Mustang trek.

Traditional and Cultural aspect of Upper Mustang 

Here we list down some aspects that reflect the tradition and culture of the Upper Mustang region. so make sure you read until the end!

Culture and Religion

The Upper Mustang has a rich culture and traditions of Tibetan Buddhism, which have remained pure for many centuries. Its influence is reflected through Mani walls, Chortens, stupas, monasteries, paintings, and other structures that are found throughout this Buddhist kingdom.

Sine the Lo’s history is closely linked to Tibet’s social and cultural history. Tibetan Buddhism was developed and was intensely fostered there over the ages. Hence Lo-Manthang also known as Upper Mustang became an indispensable archive of Tibetan Buddhism. The Sakya-pa sect of Tibetan Buddhism is practiced primarily by the Loba people. Located in one of the most captivating and breathtaking areas of the Dhaulagiri range’s rain shadow. 

This area is not only known for its vast, arid landscapes, snow-capped peaks, and magnificent canyons but also for royal palaces, typical whitewashed Tibetan dwellings with firewood stowed on the roofs, century-old fortifications, and Tibetan Buddhist monasteries that offer a cultural experience along with serene beauty of the Upper Mustang trek to the trekkers.

Traditional Lifestyle and Customs

Upper Mustang region was predominantly Buddhist but the relevance of Tibetan Buddhism later rose to its current status. Before the eighth century, Bön was the most common ethnic settlement of the kingdom of Lo. But after Tibetan Buddhism became more prevalent the region Lo gave birth to several well-known Lamas and academics. Several eminent intellectuals originated in Lo Manthang.

Funeral rituals such as the Sky Burial are still prevalent in the upper Mustang region. It is one of the only locations on earth where they practice this ritual because they offer ceremonies and adore the natural world and all of its creations. The ancient funeral custom involves taking a human corpse to the top of a mountain, splitting it into pieces, and leaving it there for animals to consume and decompose. 

The belief behind this funeral ceremony is the act of kindness towards animals because they think that after death, a person’s spirit will reincarnate in a different form, leaving their body to care for the living. Similarly, superstitious practices such as shamanism and animism are also practiced in Mustang but the practice of their long-standing herbal remedies in treating illness is also prominent in the kingdom of Lo.


The Upper Mustang trek takes you through the most unique and fascinating architectural styles throughout its route. Upper Mustang is known for its rich historical and cultural past and distinctive architecture in the area is a reflection of it. As you walk through the Upper Mustang Terk route you will come along different alleyways and buildings which showcase the area’s long-standing ties to Tibetan Buddhism. Also, the Small towns and villages have a distinct ambiance that takes you back in time.

Upper Mustang’s ancient traditional architecture showcases the rich cultural legacy of the area. Most of the buildings in the area are built with mud, stone, and wood structures and have elaborate paintings and carvings on them. Furthermore, the Upper Mustang’s buildings are frequently painted in vibrant hues, such as vivid reds, blues, and yellows, which have important cultural and religious connotations. These old structures in Upper Mustang don’t just showcase their cultural aspect but these structures are also built in a way that they survive the harshest weather in the Upper Mustang region. Constructed in the fifteenth century, the Royal Palace stands as a noteworthy icon and testament to the area’s regal past. With its whitewashed houses, winding lanes, and historic palaces, the walled city of Lo Manthang shows the testament of time and the untouched living standard of the local settlements.

Festivals and Ceremonies

The upper Mustang region is also well known for its celebration of religious festivals and ceremonies. The majority of the festivals observed in Mustang are influenced by Tibetan Buddhism.

Tiji Festival is one of the most popular festivals among the people of this region. The highly anticipated festival is held annually in May. Also known as the Tenchi festival this festival is for world peace and the celebration of the triumph of good over evil. Upper Mustang residents gather together to celebrate their common ancestry and culture during the Tiji Festival with a colorful parade of dancers and performers . This three-day event is held annually in the historic kingdom of Lo-Manthang, Upper Mustang. 

Visitors can also participate in this festival during their upper Mustang trek and indulge themselves in the rich history and customs of this unusual and isolated part of Nepal. Another festival that takes place every year in Nepal’s Upper Mustang district is the Yartung festival. This is a vibrant and energetic festival celebrated by the Tibetan and Loba communities of the Upper Mustang region. The inhabitants of the Upper Mustang region celebrate this festival by dancing to traditional music, horse racing, and enjoying different kinds of traditional cuisines. The Mustang, Jomsom district headquarters hosts the Yartung festival annually.


The culture and tradition play a vital part in maintaining Upper Mustang’s identity. The culture and tradition, lifestyle, architecture, and festivals serve as a link between the past and the present showcasing the rich cultural heritage and historical legacy of Upper Mustang which has been untouched for centuries. The Upper Mustang trek takes you through a deep dive into the rich culture of Tibetan Buddhism while promoting deep ties between the locals and tourists from across the globe.

These experiences encourage tolerance and respect for other cultures by fostering a deeper awareness of and appreciation for Upper Mustang’s unique cultural legacy. So grab this once-in-a-lifetime chance to travel and experience the beautiful valleys as well as the ancient and unique culture and tradition of the kingdom of Lo.

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